About Us

Welcome to Our School, where education meets excellence. We nurture young minds, fostering a love for learning and a foundation for future success.

St. Joseph's Convent Primary Section was started in October around 1965 - 66, to fulfill the need of education for girls.

1965- 66
1965- 66

It began with the education of the Primary school children, and with a small boarding of 25 girls from families who found it difficult to care and educate their children. At St. Joseph’s Primary these children had the opportunity of completing their secondary education in any of the following school:

1. St. Joseph’s Secondary Section, Bandra
2. BMC Night School, Bandra
3. Canossa Night School, Mahim


Due to the increase enrollment of children in the school, one more floor was added to the existing school building.


To address the need 5 new divisions were created in each Standard and additional learning and Co-curricular activities were also started.


St. Joseph’s opened its doors and welcomed children from the lower economic class. In this endeavour, we collaborated with an NGO working for the education of children from the weaker sections of society. Later we offered them added facilities like uniforms, books and even the opportunity to come to school early, have a bath, change into clean uniforms and attend class with all the other children. Remedial teachers helped them daily with their studies.


The school started an outreach service. Each year mini Fund- Raising activities suited to Primary School children were organized – like Melas, class canteens etc. Members of the staff, the PTA and parents were informed in advance of the main aim of the Fund-Raising activity. Eg: For our children in the tribal schools in Manor/Palghar/Nasik; or even for the flood stricken in Uttarakhand. A group consisting of a representative from the staff, PTA and interested parents accompanied Sister Principal to hand over what was ear marked for that school. Eg: Food grains, oil, biscuits, stationary, clothes, shoes/slippers, monsoon wear, bags etc. were distributed in tribal areas.


Occasionally during the summer vacations, camps were organized for the girls who came to St. Joseph’s to learn English, Maths, Computer skills etc. During this time parents, PTA, and staff members were always available to teach the girls and accompany them on social outings.


October 2005 to the summer of 2019. St. Joseph’s Convent Primary School offered Hostel facilities for girls who joined Nursing courses. The community has always been open to help the tribal’s from the rural areas by offering them free accommodation for medical treatment or short stay in the city. The sisters at St. Joseph’s have fostered into their Staff, parents and children to look to the needs of the less fortunate and encouraged them to reach out to the poor families of the school children.


It was a great momentous joyous occasion in the year 2019-20. On 17th of June with great excitement in the hearts of the students, teachers and staff. The Primary section had shifted to the majestic heritage building of the Pre-Primary and Secondary Section. All the three sections came together under one roof, one big Josephite family. The children were eager and enthusiastic to explore their new school grounds, corridors and classrooms. It was a memorable day in the lives of our students, teachers and staff.